John O'Brien in FL turned these great stoppers.
His first attempt at hybrid casting. Beautiful work.
Artists' Bottle Stoppers and Openers Gallery
All of these items were created by our customers.
Visit often, new pictures are added regularly.
The original stoppers with three o-rings are no longer available.
If you wish to purchase an item, email I will put you in contact with the artist.
Visit our "Profession Artists Gallery" for featured artists and their work.
Stopper display with a flare.
Ford 2
Medallion in 1937-38 Ford V8 gear shift to be
available at the Early Ford V8 Meet in Calif.
Ford 1
Bob Merz, coordinator for the Early Ford
V8 Meet, is using 1937 Ford gear shift
knobs on stoppers. Early Ford Museum.
Ron Erwin in NY, uses antique doorknobs to
create unique bottle stoppers. Nice.
Tony Rotundo in DE, made this stopper
using sea stones. So pretty!
Williams shell
Jeff Williams, WA, Great Imagination!
Check BARN website in WA.
Peterson opener
Rick Peterson, WA, turned these two
beautiful bottle openers.
Gordon Harmon in CT turned this beautiful
selection of wine bottle stoppers.
Dale Slaughter in NY turned this array of bottle
stoppers. Nice display
Peterson opener
Rick Peterson in WA poured this
resin and burl bottle opener top.
Beautiful color combination.
Collis 3
Marc Collis in IA turned these wine bottle stoppers.
Peterson 2 pink
Rick Peterson in WA made this beautiful
bottle opener and stopper set.
Roger Ferman in TX makes these natural edge
bottle stoppers.
Roger Ferman, TX, makes bottle stoppers leaving
the natural edge and they are unique.
Tony Rotundo in DE created this starfish
bottle stopper. So attractive!
Walcott stopper
Jim Walcott in AR engraves items he
makes as gifts as "thanks for all
the blessings" he's received.
Walcott opener
Jim Walcott in AR, engraved bottle
opener. Jim only makes gifts for
all the blessings he has received.
Tom Clark
Tom Clark in NC, used 150 yr. old spalted White
Oak to make the whiskey stoppers and stand.
Beautiful work and super special gift!
Steve Knotts in WV turns oak barrel bungs into
stoppers and custom engraves the tops. Nice!
Meghan Zenteno in WA turned these wine bottle
stoppers. These are the first she's ever made!
Johnson Brett
Brett Johnson in MA made this Viking Gnome
bottle opener. Next photo shows how it works!
Johnson Brett
This is Brett Johnson's Viking Gnome showing
the bottle opener inside his helmet!
Daniel Dubois, KS, has been busy turning resin
bottle stoppers. Great array.
Rick Peterson in WA turned these colorful
bottle cap openers. Love the green shades..
Peter Baum in Ohio uses antique pocket watches
to create very unique bottle stoppers.
Tim Tucker in NC, turned this wine glass
from Bacote and put Abalone shells
on the top. Cool design.
Kumjian Jeff
Jeff Kumjian, in GA, turned these stoppers using
Cedar, Olive wood and Pink Ivory. Nice shapes.
Gary McLean in TX turned the perfect
stopper Sombrero for his Tequila!
Williams Jeff3
Jeff Williams made these stoppers with resin in shells.
He works with BARN in Bainbridge Island, WA.
Williams Jeff2
Jeff Williams, WA, turned this array of stoppers
using mostly brass stopper bases.
Williams Jeff
Jeff Williams, another stopper with resin
poured into a shell and turned.
Don Wolfe in Calif. uses golf ball markers in the
tops of bottle stoppers. Great idea!
Awesome bottle stopper and base done
by Steve Mawson. Perfect basket weave
illusion work.
Steve Mawson, NE, turned this stopper and base
then did the basket weave illusion work. I love it!
Mark Abner in KY turned this beautiful bottle
stopper and shot glass. Terrific work!
Larry Sutton mounted a Challenge coin
to the stopper with clear epoxy. Wow!
Mouser 5.6
Gary Mouser, TX, beautiful red swirl
stopper and perfect blue can tab pull.
Mouser 3.4
Green resin stopper with purple swirls.
Wood wine stopper by Gary Mouser.
Mouser 1.2
Gary Mouser, TX, left; resin whiskey
stopper: right, turned wood wine stopper.
Rinde 4
Jim Rinde's grandson put a Tea Tree flower
in clear resin to create this bottle stopper.
Jim Rinde, CA, put Pink Breath of Heaven
flower in clear resin. Beautiful.
Another beauty by Jim Rinde and his
grandson. Terrific wine bottle stopper.
Kirk Amidon in MA made this great array of
bottle stoppers and ice cream scoop.
Matt Dorsten in OH turned this wine
barrel stopper from Cedar.
A fantastic set of wine bottle stoppers by Matt
Dorsten in OH. The wood is patagonian rosewood
Matt Dorsten in OH turned this great
whiskey bottle stopper. Nice work.
Kieran Goodman in MI turned this resin
honey comb bottle stopper. Very nice.
Jana Smith in FL turned this
tab pull/bottle opener combo.
Jana Smith in FL turned this wine/whiskey
stopper and put the stamp covered with
resin on the top.
David McKibben in WA turned this
whiskey stopper from Pacific Yew
with a silver quarter inlay. Nice.
Bridges, Jerry
Jerry Bridges in TX does just enough
enhancement to create unique stoppers.
Bill Parsons in GA turned this attractive
wine bottle stopper from colorwood.
Best wine bottle stopper array of shapes, colors
and design by Rick Woodard in WY.
Kesler openers
Steve Kesler, PA, shows 3 entirely
different shapes and sizes for openers.
Steve Kesler in PA was busy making bottle stoppers
and bottle openers. Very nice array of shapes.
Rick Woodard, Wyoming Wood Artisan
turned this awesome whiskey bottle stopper.
Cindy Drozda, professional woodturner, created
this adorable owl bottle stopper. Learn How to
make this owl. Cindy
Gary Sanders laminated wood, turned and
carved to make the best beer bottle opener.
Steve Mawson in NE makes the neatest basket
weave illusion bottle stoppers. So amazing.