Anthony Yakonick in PA turned these 3 wine
bottle stoppers. Very nice work and good shapes.
Artists' Bottle Stoppers and Openers Gallery
All of these items were created by our customers.
Visit often, new pictures are added regularly.
The original stoppers with three o-rings are no longer available.
If you wish to purchase an item, email I will put you in contact with the artist.
Visit our "Profession Artists Gallery" for featured artists and their work.
Anthony Yakonick in PA turned these attractive
Niles bottle openers. Very classy work.
Ed Kallbrier in IL turned this wine bottle stopper,
beer bottle opener and can tab pull. Nice work!
Ed Kallbrier turned these 3 size whiskey stoppers
that will fit the majority of liquor and bourbon bottles.
Ed Kallbrier in IL turned these stopper styles.
These are wine and whiskey bottle stoppers.
Alec Kinslow in PA turned these 3 stainless
bottle openers. I like the standing handle.
Alec Kinslow in Pittsburgh turned these 3
bottle cap openers. Nice sleek shapes.
Donald Thomas, a legally blind Vet
turned this American walnut stopper.
Henry Doolittle in WA turned this
unique bottle opener. Nice work!
Thierry Coinon in France poured the blanks and
turned these stainless bottle cap openers.
Andrew Betschman turned wine stoppers, bottle
cap opener, can tab pull and whiskey stoppers.
To purchase, visit his Etsy store.
Andrew Betschman turned these 6 different style
wine stoppers. Visit his Etsy store.
Bruce Jordan
Bruce Jordan from CA
turned this beautiful opener.
Check out his Instagram page
These are 3 different size whiskey bottle stoppers
made by Andrew Betschman. Visit his Etsy store.
Steve Wohlgemuth turned this stopper
yet it has a square look which is nice.
Tonkin stop
Barry Tonkin in WA turned this resin and wood
stopper that looks great in a bottle of red wine!
Niles button
This African Blackwood stopper shows that
a little stopper can look great in the bottle..
Wesla Weller makes stoppers from upcycled
musical instruments. See Website for more.
Joey Moll in AR turned this attractive
beer opener and whiskey stopper.
John Simpson in CA uses pewter buttons and
floral insets in the tops of his wine stoppers.
Jason Kartalis, NJ, made a big hit
with these whiskey bottle stoppers!
Beautiful blown glass wine cooler and stopper by
Karen Robbins, See great art work on her Website.
Henry Doolittle, WA, turned this great
bottle opener and can tab pull combo.
Jack Getzler in WA, these are his first stoppers
he's made. He will sell them at an upcoming show.
Earl Doan, in Africa, created these Air Force
Firefighter whiskey stoppers on a 3D printer!
Barry Tonkin in WA turned this array of wine
bottle stoppers. Great colors and shapes.
Darla Baker
Darla Baker in KY made the resin blank and turned
this unique wine stopper. Visit her Etsy shop.
Steve Wohlgemuth
Steve Wohlgemuth in VA made this cool F15
bottle opener. check out his website
Darla Baker
Darla Baker in KY made this great resin
opener. Check out her Etsy shop
Mike Schuler
Mike Schuler of GA made this great
bottle opener/can tab pull combo.
Mark Eason Cat
Mark Eason of CA what a great idea for the pull tab opener.
Joey Moll of AR Made these beautiful stoppers.
Roger Ziegler in WI did a simple
segment with cherry and walnut.
Rick Cook in IN made these double-ended
bottle/can openers and wine bottle stopper.
Mark Lockridge's wife saves egg shells,
he put them in resin and it looks great!
Donna von Hosslin, owner Betty Belts, loves the
stainless stoppers. See her sea stone jewelry!
Martin whiskey 3
Tim Martin made these 2 whiskey and 1 Bourbon
bottle stoppers. Great colors.
Martin 2 opener
Tim Martin made this attractive pair of
bottle cap openers.
Niles beads opener
Gift for that special lady: tiny beads,
fishing line, glue = Beer Opener.
George Wurtzel, owner Ginko Gallery
turned the perfect stopper for Don Julio.
Tim Martin in CA made this great gift
bar set: stopper and opener.
Michael Armstrong in Canada puts colored pencils
in resin and turns these great stopper tops.
Earl Doan, stationed in Africa, creates and sells
these unique stoppers he makes on a 3D printer.
Rick Weber in OH turned this whiskey bottle stopper
with a coin on top. Great gift for Bourbon lovers.
Nathan Scaccia in CA makes these awesome
resin bottle cap openers. Beer lovers gift!
Cindy Rowsey threads this wood, the nut threads
on and a new penny on top.. Best wine lovers gift!
Cindy Rowsey turns 2 captive rings with a new
penny in the top as a wedding gift stopper.
Cindy Rowsey, "Screw 2020" series, new penny
and the screws work. Custom orders accepted.
Cindy Rowsey in IL "Screw 2020" stoppers with
turned wood screws. They are for sale.
Jean LeGwin in NC turned and enhanced these
great gifts for beer lovers.
Jean LeGwin in NC used colored wood to
make the simple shapes look awesome.
Robert Hawk in ID turned these contemporary
wine bottle stoppers.Visit his Website for more.
Robert Hawk in ID made these bottle
openers. See his Website for more.
LeGwin wood
Jean LeGwin, NC, adds individual detail to each
stainless bottle opener. Gives each one class.
Jean LeGwin in NC, uses colored wood to make
beer bottle openers that are unique and pretty.
Tobias Staab in Germany used Walnut
tree and Venetian Olive wood for these!
Lou Dornbach offers extra inset buttons
for any of his stoppers. Lou's Etsy shop
Dan West in OH created these two
bottle openers. Dan's Etsy Shop
Jennifer Ufkin in MN used a vintage silverware
knife handle on this Gun Metal bottle opener.
Bob Rotche in VA does beautiful classic
turning shapes for bottle stoppers