Category Archives: Bottle Stoppers
Daniel DuBois turned this whiskey stopper. Check out his youitube channel.
Bill Preston in FL. Top shelf whiskey stopper and two wine bottle stoppers. Cherry and [...]
Daniel Dubois in KS turned this colorful stopper for wine. Nice.
 Elsa Oppenheimer, VT. These stoppers look terrific in the bottles; as they should!
Elsa Oppenheimer in VT created these unique stoppers for wine lovers’ gifts
Michael Ryan
Rack of pool balls (wine bottle stoppers) done by Michael Ryan in NJ. Great gift [...]
Niles beads
Turned wood beads on the SS-9006 style bottle stopper, by Ruth Niles
Bennett MA
Steve Bennett turned colored pencils, the shape gives the colors great shapes. Visit his Etsy [...]
The first half of an array of stainless and brass bottle stoppers Julie Hagan in [...]
Merv Miller
This is Merv Miller’s first ever bottle stopper. Merv is in IN and he did [...]
Rich Zakrzewski in NY turned this beautiful Bourbon stopper and engraved the top. Nice!
Michael Clark
Michael Clark converted his custom-made vapor into a whiskey stopper!
Philip Reynolds turned a glass of Guiness as a bottle stopper top.
Lou Dornback turned and engraved this wine stopper. Contact Lou if you wish to order [...]
Merle Johnson
Merle Johnson in OR turned this acrylic acetate top for a bottle stopper.
Richard Grossman in MO turned this Ebony stopper with a pearl guitar fingerboard marker for [...]
Robin Jacobson in OR found this unusual cabinet knob and put it on a Niles [...]
Robin Watson in VA turned this cool whiskey barrel to top a brass stopper.
Ed Salisbury turned this great Spectraply stopper.
Jeremy Henderson in Alabama turned these great shaped stoppers.
Scott Boyle in AZ puts a buffalo nickel in the tops of his bottle stoppers. [...]
Brad Campana
Brad Campana in Calif. turned these eye-catching stainless wine stoppers.
Bertschman 2set
Don Bertschman created another bar set with a stopper, bottle opener and paring knife in [...]
Another great looking stopper from Peter Urasky
A few stoppers from Edward Salisbury. Great job Edward!
Tom Puskar turned a great whiskey barrel stopper.
Bob Berner turned these great stoppers.
Brad Campana turned these two stoppers. The stone inlay looks great.
Unique Blanks
Wine bottle stopper and beer bottle opener turned from Bob Rosand’s Unique Blanks.
Petersen Milt
Milt Petersen in GA turned these wine bottle stoppers with stone inlays. See his Etsy [...]
Petersen Milt
Milt Petersen in GA turned these wine bottle stoppers. See his Etsy shop for more..
Anthony Yakonick in PA turned these 3 wine bottle stoppers. Very nice work and good [...]