Artists' Bottle Stoppers Gallery

All of these stoppers were made by our customers.

Visit often, new pictures added regularly.
See more of an artist's work by clicking links.
*note: if there is no link, email  I will put you in contact with the artist.
The original stoppers with three o-rings are no longer available.

Visit our "Profession Artists Gallery" for featured artists and links to see all their work.


stainless wine bottle stopper
Scott Barnett, LA

Scott Hayes

stainless stoppers with woodturning tops
Scott Hayes, NY  Love the goblet shape and
the wood!


stainless stopper with poured resin turned top
Tim Boddy, poured
resin. Beautiful work.


stainless stoppers with colorwood tops
Paul Rea in Maine.  Love Mr. Peanut on right end.

Laird Thomas

stainless whiskey and wine bottle stoppers
Laird Thomas, PA  Great detail and design.


stainless wine stoppers
Mark Mayo, CA.   Very colorful.


John Payton, VA  Three beauties.


John Payton, VA.  Contrasting colors look great.


cabinet knob on stainless stopper
Herb Billings, TX.  A vintage
cabinet knob: very classy


engraved owl on stainless stopper
Robert Markison.  Fine
engraving on Goose egg.



handmade wine bottle stopper
Dave Condon in Ireland turned
this terrific stopper.

Dale Wilson

stainless stopper, walnut tree topper
Dale WIlson, TN
Walnut tree, perfect!


stainless stoppers with striped wood tops
Gary Tucker, OK.  Jazzy colors.


stainless stoppers with poured resin tops

Stephen Berryman, TX  Great colors.

Bruce Harris

stainless stopper with antique button
Bruce Harris, TX, uses antique
buttons on the tops of stoppers.


stainless stopper with fireman emblem
David Sisk, TX.  Love that the emblem
is on the side.  Perfect orientation.


stainless stopper woodturned hat
Bill McCormick, TX  Great "hat" design!

stainless stopper with pink acrylic
Ed Thompson, SC
Turned acrylic


stainless stoppers, bottle openers and coffee tamper
Bruce Hoium; wedding gift set for his niece.

Yetis Damascus Knife

Yetis Damascus Knife.  Great set!

Ken Foltz

stainless stoppers in custom display stand
Ken Foltz, PA  Beautiful display.

Karen Sheldon

stainless stoppers with turned wood tops
Karen Sheldon, SC.  The three at the
top are turned shot glasses.

Adam Layman

Adam Layman, VA


Al Iacullo.  I will post quite a few to
show various shapes for poured blanks..


Al Iacullo.  The colors get accent in new
forms when you add beaded details.


Al Iucullo shows unique shapes for resin.


turned resin bottle stoppers
Al Iacullo, NJ.  Love the black and White!

Gary Meier

mushroom bottle stopper tops
Gary Meier, OR.  Tops waiting for stoppers.

Dale Guilford

wine bottle stoppers
Dale Guilford, AZ

Sugrue.3 piece

bottle opener, bottle stopper, can tab lifter
Camille Sugrue, WA.  Bottle cap opener, can
tab lifter and wine bottle stopper.

Don Earls

Don Earls


carved wine stopper
Don Bertschman, PA.  Done with knives.


stainless wine stoppers with wood top
Dan Richeson, CO

DeWayne Huffman

Wounded Warriors opener
DeWayne Huffman, bottle opener
with Wounded Warriors button.

Will Rogers

stainless wine stoppers
Will Rogers, IN

Rebecca DeGroot

skateboard wood bottle stopper
Rebecca DeGroot cuts up old skateboards,
glues them in patterns and turns them.

Kyle Walworth

Petoskey stone stainless wine stopper

Kyle Walworth.  Petroskey stone stoppers.

Steve Hoffmann

stainless bottle opener
Steve Hoffmann, IL   Bottle cap opener and
stainless wine stopper

Tim Tibbetts

rose engine turned stainless wine stopper
Tim Tibbetts, WA
Done on a Rose Engine

Bouder 11

stainless wine bottle stoppers

Toby Bouder, PA

Bouder two

spalted mushroom bottle stopper
Tony Bouder, PA

Toby Bouder

spalted dyed woodturning stainless steel

Toby Bouder, PA  Wonderful

Tony Edwards

stainless wine bottle stopper
Tony Edwards, TN. Wine stopper.

Bill Bender blue

resin burl stainless wine bottle stopper

Bill Bender, WA.  Awesome!

Troy Smiley

stainless wine bottle stopper
Troy Smiley, AK.  Nice shape.

Cary Smith

woodturned stoppers stainless steel
Cary Smith, TN; bottle openers and whiskey

Robert Markison

Carved copper on stainless wine stopper cutting and painting cooper
Dr. Robert Markison,  Hand Surgeon and noted
artist carved and painted on copper.

Hudak Stanley Cup

Stanley Cup stainless stoppers

Kevin Hudak. NJ.  Stanley Cup stoppers.

Josh Branson

Jack Daniels bottle stoppers
Josh Branson, KY

Joan Busby

poured resin bottle stoppers stainless steel
Joan Busby, LA did these great stoppers.  She
embedded the cancer pin in resin.

Jim Fredrick

stainless bottle opener, wine stopper and whiskey stopper
Jim Fredrick, VA  Whiskey, Wine stoppers
and bottle cap opener.

Jennifer Kuske

Jennifer Kuske in New Brunswick, Canada

Straw Collins

segmented bottle stopper

Jamie Straw turned from a blank
by Martha Collins (buy here)

J.B. Norrell

stainless stoppers with wood turned tops
J.B. Norrell, TX.  Added a little detail.

Curt Fuller sets

stainless openers and stoppers
Curt Fuller, UT, made 3 beautiful sets of
stoppers and openers.

Wesla Weller guitars

brass stoppers with wood tops
Wesla Weller used an old guitar and the symbols
are cut from cymbals.. 

Brian Shader

Brian Shader: nice segmented work.

David Levine

stainless stoppers
David (Billy Bob) Levine turned some nice shapes.

Donna Gordon

Blown glass bottle stoppers
Donna Gordon, CO.  Awesome blown glass.
Nog Rog Studios

Don Culter

Whiskey bottle stopper

Don Culter made this whiskey stopper.